Existing clients may use the portal for scheduling, telehealth and more.
To gain portal access, please contact our office.
We love helping families thrive! In our client centered practice, we spend our time listening with unconditional positive regard, focusing on changing unhealthy thought processes and destructive behaviors.
Our goal is to work with you, and be a resource for you. We don't pretend to know you better than you know you. We aim to ask the right questions, to listen, encourage, and teach practical steps for your success, to find answers within yourself. We can help you establish a framework to focus on your solutions.
Relationships are powerful, life changing things. The people we look up to in life are our guides. They are teachers, coaches, leaders and counselors. Our ambition, our passion is to be that type of guide for others.
We at Real Life are excited to work with clients from all walks of life. Frustrated parents, there are tools to help you reach your son or daughter. There is hope. Struggling teens, there is help!